Why the Scottish Chiropractic Association?
The SCA has been the foremost chiropractic organisation in Scotland for 30 years. Today, many members work beyond the Scottish borders, choosing the SCA for their inclusive and holistic chiropractic philosophy, lower insurance fees, and many member benefits.
As the Association continues to grow and adapt to the changing chiropractic environment in the U.K., membership with the SCA is more attractive than ever before.
Benefits of Membership
Membership to the Scottish Chiropractic Association carries many privileges, which include:
The right to publicise yourself as a member of the Association regulated by the SCA’s Standard of Practice and Code of Ethics.
Associating with like-minded chiropractors with a broad based holistic scope of practice, from both within and outside Scotland.
The right to display the SCA logo on your clinic material.
Free advertisement of your clinic details on the SCA website, which has recently been newly developed to high standard.
Eligibility for reduced fees for malpractice insurance through the SCA’s provider.
Receiving the SCA’s printed newsletter throughout the year featuring articles, information, and reference material.
Regular SCA e-bulletins giving you updated and timely information on current and upcoming events, news and present issues.
Six editions per year of ‘The Chiropractic Report’.
Regular bi-annual SCA meetings to discuss current issues and have your say in how the Association and the profession are run.
Reduced rates for subscriptions to the “On Purpose” educational audio series.
Block advertising scheme through Yellow Pages and Thomson Directories at reduced rates.
Discount on seminars produced by the Scottish Chiropractic Association.
Benefiting from the advertising generated by regular SCA press releases.
The use of the SCA newsletter and e-bulletins for reduced rate classified ads.
Advice on practice-related issues.
Access to SCA-developed practice guidelines on many topics.
Playing a part in the development of the chiropractic profession in the U.K.
Our Goals
The Scottish Chiropractic Association aims to enhance the chiropractic profession within and outside Scotland, setting and maintaining high standards of professional practice for its members to ensure quality health care provision to patients they serve.
The SCA recognizes and promotes SCA chiropractors as highly trained professional and primary health care providers, with a natural approach to health and its contribution to overall individual wellbeing..
The SCA represents its members while maintaining dialogue with authorities in the areas of educational, legal and health institutions in order to positively influence the future of the chiropractic profession.
The Scottish Chiropractic Association supports SCA chiropractors, providing tools and resources to aid in the delivery of high-quality, professional health care, and to help with running a successful practice.
Membership categories
Full Membership (£295) – This category is only available to those practicing in Scotland. A full member must have graduated from a recognised Chiropractic College and be General Chiropractic Council Registered.
Associate Membership (£295) – The requirements for this category are the same as a full member except the chiropractor must practice outside Scotland but within the UK.
Overseas Membership (£110) – practices outside the UK. (does not include JMPT subscription).
Retired Member (£70) – Applicants must provide letter of good standing from other associations if other than the SCA. (does not include JMPT subscription).
Student Member (£30) – must provide proof of enrolment in a full-time course of study at a recognised Chiropractic College (does not include JMPT subscription.
If you would like to apply to join the SCA, please download the application form below, complete the form and post it to the address below :
Download SCA Application Form in pdf format
What happens after I send in my application?
The form and associated documents are verified by the secretary and forwarded to the executive for approval. Membership is granted and all new members are named and welcomed in the newsletter on the basis that there are no complaints received from the membership during our provisional period of six months.
How do I pay the membership fees?
Membership fees are due by the 1st January each year. Therefore the cost of membership will be calculated on a pro-rata basis depending on which month of the year you join. Student, overseas and retired members must pay the full amount no matter what month they join.
January - £295 May - £207 September - £119
February - £273 June - £185 October -£97
March - £251 July -£163 November - £75
April -£229 August - £141 December- £53
Please do not hesitate to contact the registered office if you have any questions about the application process.
Tel: 0141 404 0260
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